If the pandemic years taught me anything, it’s that my cup is full. It’s been full. And yet, I’ve spent my life – and my life’s work – scouring the earth for more friends and followers and customers. I am addicted to people. I collect them like sports cards. But, this pursuit for more – it’s endless and insatiable. It can be exhausting. And COVID isolation reminded me that what already sits before me is infinite – my loving people, my loved work. My family. They are oceans in themselves and it would take a thousand lifetimes to reach the bottom. Why distract myself with other books when I’ve yet to finish these?
In my last MONOLOGUE, I shared how I’ve curtailed phone-photographing every important moment. I want memories, not photographs of memories. But, that doesn’t mean I’m not taking pictures. Instead of categorizing photography as a recording of my life, I’ve made the effort to reframe photography as an artistic medium again. So, when I see something that I know can be made beautiful by the rectangle, digital canvas, I capture it with my RICOH or Sony a7r.
I’ve shot hundreds of these portraits over the last couple years and have yet to share most of them. MONOLOGUE is the right venue. From time to time, I’ll be adding to this series: Oceans. Let’s dive into the deep seas.